Tour Striker Review – Results Post
It has been over a year since I have been using my Tour Striker Pro 7-iron. It is time to post an updated Tour Striker Review to update you on how it has worked for me.
As you can imagine just from looking at the club, this is not easy to hit the first time you attempt to use it. The folks over at Tour Striker recommend using the club for a solid two weeks to get results. At first I had the club in my bag, would swing it a few times at the range with poor results, then quickly put it back in my bag and grab my regular 7-iron to prove to myself and everyone else at the range (like they care) that I can actually hit the ball. It took me a few range trips to dedicate myself to using the club not caring what everyone else things – which is good lesson for me thank to the Tour Striker Review.
After those first couple range sessions I began going with only my Tour Striker Pro and my regular 7 iron. My routine would be to hit about 5 solid balls with my regular iron before switching to the Tour Striker game improvement club. This Tour Striker Review is being written after I cut my teeth with this club. It took practice and thinking about where my body needs to be to get in proper impact position, but the work paid off. It was slow and embarrassing at times, but eventually my ball flight went from grounders, to line drives, to long penetrating arcs. The reward is very satisfying after working so hard at it.
The results are amazing when switching back to my standard irons. My divots are in from of the ball like clockwork. My ball flight is great and overall my swing feels more repeatable. If this Tour Striker review doesn’t help be sure to find a friend with the club and give it a go. When you are ready, be sure to check out the links in my side bar for the best deals on Tour Striker game improvement clubs.
Just hit my Tourstriker Pro 7 iron today down at the range for the first time, off green range mats. Damn, that thing is hard to hit, particularly if you are a ‘picker’ like me! I could not hit a decent shot with it at all with a full swing. In the end I had some success with little half shots playing it like a punch shot with a wedge, and using a body release. The jury is still out but I intend to persevere with it! JG